Sport is about competing and performing to the best of your ability – the pursuit of human and sporting excellence.
Taking prohibited substances or using prohibited methods is cheating, and can be very damaging to an athlete’s health. Doping undermines the fundamental spirit of sport and severely damages the integrity, image, and value of sport.
Racquetball Canada is committed to clean sport in Canada and supports Anti-Doping initiatives though the adoption of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and by providing up to date information for those involved in our sport.
Anti-Doping Training
The cornerstone of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) approach to ethical sport is the responsibility to educate Canadian athletes and their support personnel about their rights and responsibilities. For elite level athletes, education is focused on the anti-doping program, including information about banned substances and methods, the sample collection process, and the whereabouts program.
The CCES has developed a variety of education tools to keep athletes informed at the highest possible level. CCES provides Canadian sport organizations and teams with e-learning courses that are designed to promote values in sport and address the various components of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP).
True Sport Clean, the CCES’ comprehensive e-learning course, is offered to Racquetball Canada national team athletes and in some cases, provincial sport organization athletes. The course addresses ethical sport, athlete rights and responsibilities, supplements, substances and methods on the Prohibited List, sample collection procedures, and more.
Additional modules are provided for athletes in the CCES Registered Testing Pool athletes in Sport Canada’s Athlete Assistance Program, and athlete support personnel and customized courses have been prepared for athletes attending the Pan Am Games.
If athletes have questions about anti-doping education and True Sport Clean and if you can access e-learning courses contact our High Performance Director.
Canadian Anti-Doping Program
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) is the custodian of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), the set of rules that govern anti-doping in Canada. The CADP consists of several components such as in- and out-of-competition testing, education, medical exemptions, and the consequences of doping violations. The CADP is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and all international standards.
Racquetball Canada has adopted the CADP which means that you can be confident that you are part of a world-class anti-doping program that is designed to protect athletes’ rights and ensure a level playing field.
Racquetball Canada’s Anti-Doping Policy and Code of Conduct reflect and support the CADP.
While the CCES administers anti-doping for the Canadian sport community, you may also be subject to the rules of your international federation. Learn more about the International Racquetball Federation’s anti-doping policies and procedures.
As a member of Racquetball Canada, the CADP applies to you! It is important to know that by participating in activities sanctioned by Racquetball Canada, you may be selected for doping control.
Important Information
The CCES recommends that athletes take the following actions to ensure they don’t commit an inadvertent anti-doping rule violation:
- Know your rights and responsibilities as an athlete with regard to anti-doping.
- Always comply with a testing request if you are notified for doping control.
- Check all medications and products before taking them to ensure they do not contain ingredients that are banned.
- Verify your medical exemption requirements.
- Do not take supplements, but if you do, take steps to minimize your risk.
- Get the latest news. Sign up to receive CCES media releases and advisory notes.
Report Doping
Protecting clean and fair sport is a collective responsibility. The CCES Integrity Hotline provides Canadians with a secure and anonymous means to report suspected doping and competition manipulation, both of which are major threats to good sport.
To report doping activity, call the hotline at 1-888-441-CCES or click the button below to visit the CCES website for complete information about making a report including other options form being in contact.
Additional Resources
• The Global DRO provides athletes and support personnel with information about the prohibited status of specific substances based on the current World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List.
• Read more about the Canadian Anti-Doping Program
• The World Anti-Doping Agency works towards a vision of a world where all athletes compete in a doping-free sporting environment.
• The CCES is a proud and active member of the True Sport Movement – a movement that is based on the simple idea that good sport can make a great difference.
More Resources
Coaches Association of Canada
CAC offers Leading Drug Free Sport, a NCCP eLearning or in-class module that provides coaches with the information they need to support athletes in understanding banned substances and drug-testing protocols and to encourage athletes to safeguard their sport values.
To participate in an in-class Leading Drug Free Sport module, please contact your Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative.

Make the Call
Make the Call is a free values-based ethical decision-making module for 15- to 18-year-olds offered through True Sport and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. It is targeted to those who participate in sport in the Train to Compete stage of Canadian Sport for Life’s Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model. It is at this stage, that athletes begin serious competition, and commit to high-volume and high-intensity training throughout the year. Because of the physical and social demands on these athletes, nutrition, sport psychology, and recovery become extremely important.
Make the Call offers a values-based model to help both the athletes themselves, as well as their peers, navigate the difficult decisions ahead of them.