Ofelia Wilscam


Date of Birth


Repentigny, QC


Repentigny, Québec

Home Club

Nautilus Plus, Brossard


Michel Gagnon



Ofelia Wilscam was introduced to the sport when she was 5 years of age. She started playing in tournaments at a young age and competed at the Junior National Championship level since 2015. In 2018, Wilscam was named to the Junior National Team and represented Canada at the World Junior Championships where she won bronze in 14U Girl’s Doubles. Since then, she has competed at four more World Junior Championships, wining bronze in 18U Mixed Doubles in 2022. Wilscam has been on the podium in her age division on seven occasions at the junior national level, winning gold three times in singles and once in doubles. She was first named to the National Development Team in 2021.


Start in Racquetball:  I was five years old when my dad first took me to a racquetball court.

Reason for playing: I play racquetball because I love the feeling it gives me. I love to be active and to expend energy and racquetball allows me to do all of these things.

Training habits: I train six days a week, including three times in the gym and three to four times in the court.

Best Racquetball moment: My best memory is when my sister and I beat the Irish Team, in doubles at the 2019 World Junior Championship in Costa Rica. The game ended with a very close tie-breaker and we could hear all of the Team Canada members cheering us on in the crowd.

Non Racquetball talents: I have some talent for singing, poetry and music (clarinet and saxophone).

What is something people might not know about you or find surprising? People don’t know that I speak three languages. I speak and write French, Spanish and English.

When you are not playing racquetball, you are probably? When I’m not playing racquetball, I’m doing my homework, working out at the gym, or going to work. (I work as a receptionist at my gym.) I have a busy schedule, but the key is to be organized!

What advise to you have for athletes who want to play at your level? The best advice I could give them is not to worry too much. If we love our sport, we go for it without asking any questions. With a good schedule in place, we have time to do whatever we need to do. We can’t wait to go to practice.

Who has been important in your development as an athlete? In order for me to develop as an athlete, I had to work hard. To this day, I keep pushing for my sport. The turning point in my development was when I made a full workout schedule part of my daily routine. In the summer I attend training camps and during school I continue to train six days a week.


2022 World Junior Championships
Mixed 18U Doubles
2018 World Junior Championships
Girl's 18U Doubles
2024 Junior National Championships
Girl's 18U Singles
2023 Junior National Championships
Girl's 18U Singles
2022 Junior National Championships
Girl's 16U Singles
2021 Junior National Championships
Girl's 16U Singles
2019 Junior National Championships
Girl's 14U Singles
2019 Junior National Championships
Girl's 14U Doubles
2018 Junior National Championships
Girl's 14U Singles